Do I need a Secondhand Dealer General License?
A person or business that buys or sells used goods, other than automobiles, in New York City must have a Secondhand Dealer General license. This description is only a general explanation of who must have a Secondhand Dealer General license.
A Surety Bond is one of the requirements of the application for new and renewal Secondhand Dealer General Licenses for New York City.
Note: A person or business who sells automobiles would need to have a Second Hand Automobile License which is different. Note: If you sell used auto vehicles you may also need a Dealer Surety Bond for New York State which we also can provide.
If you sell used auto parts you would still need to have a Second Hand Dealer General license.
Our applications for bonds for the New York City Department of Consumers Affairs can be found here:
75-12 Roosevelt ave
Jackson Heights, NY 11372